Brayin Candy


I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the Hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints. Eph 1:18

As a racist I am able to speak clearly and authoritatively to racism. OBlack Racist needed to know only one thing about the Racist Gates case, the cop was White so he was guilty. We got a clear look inside Oblack’s hate filled world as he put on his Black Sheet and Hood to lynch another White person. We got to see inside a Black Klan meeting where they chant hate chimes about Whitey and Jews while they burn Zionist Stars. He knows absolutely nothing about the case other than the pale color of the police officer who was doing his risky job; he needed to be humiliated Worldwide. Officer Crowley had three strikes against him, first he was White, he was a Cop and represented America, three things OBlack absolutely hates.

The WH always worries when the articulate and brilliant obozo speaks w/o Telecrutch since he is a man filled w/hatred and anger which continually slips out. This showed why they’re worried, it sprang out. Imagine the handlers behind the curtain when the question was axed and they nodded at another T-Ball question was set in front of him.  Then his Malcolm X reflexes took over and he answered it from his deep darkened soul. He went straight to the get Whitey card and made sure that this White Pig was punished in his condescending manner. Trouble is he offended every White person in America when he threw the Bully Pulpit at them. We know he was pulling the tired old race card to beat up another White guy and most of us are sick of it. Let alone someone who was only there to help do his duty to get bludgeoned by the President? Once again Whites are dragging James Byrd behind the Pickup. It’s getting tired.

Black Racist Oblack is only using his office to punish the Rich and White. To also get a cop is simply icing. His job as President is to pay back every White in America with all the institutions they represent. This was an unrehearsed moment exposing exactly who he is. He sees everything as racism in America and it needs punishing. Never mind his White grandparents raised him as a mixed race bastard child who was abandoned by his Black father, he hates Whitey. Now he's punishing Whitey by destroying their jobs and economy he thinks unfairly helps them oppress the poor Black man. If he can hurt Whitey they have it coming so Black Racist Ohbummer is going to be judge, jury and executioner. This is why he nominated Sotomeyer and why he is taking our Insurance away from us. Whitey has an unfair advantage and needs to see what it is like to have their Healthcare rationed to see what it’s like to get your medical treatment from a neighborhood clinic.

There is a direct connection between this racism and the hatred he has for the insurance and medical industries. He is going to destroy those industries the same way for the same reasons he killed the banking and investment. He’s going to punish Whitey by taking the parents decisions about their children’s medical treatment out of their hands and put it in the hands of Daddy Gummit. He will have parents send their pleadings to some bureaucrat in DC that will decide whether or not their child can get the life saving surgery. When the child’s procedure doesn’t meet all the criteria then they will be forced to give her the Red pill to ease her pain. Whitey will see what it’s like to get substandard medical care. Welcome to Oblackcare. He has no problem since she’s White and he has no heart.

In two short sentences we can clearly see why he has no sympathy for the 5 million who lost their jobs and livelihoods. He doesn’t feel bad about these ruined lives, since in his mind they’re all Rich White enemies getting what they deserve. He knows there are poor Blacks; in his mind the ends justify the means.

As a White person his obvious Bias to condemn the White race is about as pathetic as it gets. He knew nothing other than the color and was using the power of the Presidency to once again destroy our fellow White man. This once again proves where the true racism of this Country lies. Just like everyone else, I am a racist yet not as racist as Obozo, Jesse Jackmail or Al Step-n-Fetch. My racism is the pride I have in my race, while their racism is in the hatred of Whites. After the Mooselip medrasses through 20 yrs sitting in a church spewing pure hatred of Whites and Jews we can see inside his mind. These hate filled racists make the KKK look like a Boy Scout troop. He wants to divide this Country into the separate races rather than savor the melting pot.

As long as Blacks hate Whites they will ignore how their lives have gotten worse under Rat leadership. They will ignore their Rathole schools are complete failures and are not allowed vouchers for much better Private Schools due to that Black leadership. They need to fan the flames of Black Racism to blame Whitey rather than their own Brothers who fatten their own wallets by keeping them enslaved in bad schools and generational poverty. They need to keep those blinders of Black Racism attached so they won’t notice that Jesse, Al and Oblack are targeting Black neighborhoods w/Abortion clinics to thin their ranks and destroy their families. They would perhaps ax why they’re supposed to uphold foul mouthed Rappers and call U of Stanford Dean and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, Aunt Jemima or Justice Clarence Thomas, Uncle Tom?

Just like hatred used to blind Whites into believing things about Blacks which were not true, Blacks are being fed lies about Whitey to maintain the Slave Plantation. As long as OBlack Racist can keep them thinking a White Cop doing his job to protect a person’s house is a racist, then he will have them blinded. This way they will blindly support this corrupt gummit which continues to damage their lives while not axing, why or when is the change? He needs their blind hate to march in line w/ACORN to support the very policies ruining their children’s lives. If Black America were to break their chains of Black Racism to work hard for a better education to improve their lives, it would be the beginning of their Liberty from the Tyrants who have used and abused them for 50 yrs. Oblack Racist needs them to hate White Cops rather than ax, why he and his kids can go to Private Schools but not them??? Or, why are all the Abortion Clinics in their hoods? Worse yet, why should I still hate White people?

Pray for America and Our Troops