Brayin Candy

Our Troops Deserve Better

Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their HOPE in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their HOPE in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment. 1 Tim 6:7

The Coward in Chief has been given a 2 hour head start from the RezkOlympic rejection, perhaps he can spend some time talking to his Generals? Now he can relate to how our Troops will feel returning from the humiliating defeat he wants for them? He of course could never relate to their selfless sacrifice or America loving Freedom Fighting. After making his campaign on being able to run the war better by taking the troops out of Iraq, then moving them to Trashcanistan where Al Queda and Bin Hiden really was, was pure politics. Then in July promising President Hamid Karzai he was going to surge more troops and was in for the long haul, is now in full crab walk. This lily liver has proven over and over he has a backbone of spaghetti. Not making the decision is a decision.

The number crunching is 24/7 at the WH as the Bagwan has fallen in the polls shockingly. Anonymous WH sources are saying the internals are so disastrous he has to allow more of our best and brightest to die to shore up his military hating base. Not that he has to reach to embrace these leftists; it will make him renege on more campaign promises. Claiming Iraq was a mistake he made his bombastic claim you could automatically move troops from a nearly finished job in Iraq to a much more extreme terrain was military idiocy. He now thinks a humiliating defeat will serve him much better.

We have seen the death toll of our soldiers in Trashcan double in the year he has been the Coward in Chief. He knows his all critical poll numbers are down in the 40s and those are lukewarm to his disastrous results in the economy. He also knows if he sends more troops to Kabul he will have the anti-military crowd fall off those 40s and likely down into the 30s which would make him a Limp Duck. So like all DNCorrput Presidents, our soldiers will be sacrificed, just like Nam. The Party of Death will sacrifice any "lesser beings" for their communist paradise. He had already made that decision when he changed the Rules of Engagement so draconian you need a judge’s order to get smart bomb support if "civilians" or weddings are w/in a mile of our soldiers being shot at. Just like the 4 soldiers fighting the Taliban the ROE’s withheld air support as they fought for their lives til they were overrun and killed. Their blood is on his hands.

The reason GW won in Iraq by every measure outside the Lap Dance Press, is he let the military decide what to do and when to do it. What makes our fighting men the best in the world is our military is a bottom up organization. Even though the military has a chain of command, in battle all the decisions are made by the grunts on the ground. The reason we have developed all of our real time technology to make the end of the spear as sharp as possible. This makes the fighting man far more powerful than his enemies by giving him complete flexibility to see the battle and fight it more effectively. Top down armies like the USSR needed to get permission from Moscow losing time and efficiency, which is what obozo, is doing.

Central planners have always failed in wars although GW showed Lyndon Baines Obama how to win this. All he had to do was continue to train troops in Iraq and support the same program in Trashcan. He needed to allow the bottom up flexibility, but Central Planners are strictly Top Down who needs to run the Pentagon directly. Rather, from his first day in office he impugned our troops and called them baby killers. He has continued berating them from his Sinate stint and has now inferred he wanted to cut and run on Kabul. After spending 8 yrs bludgeoning Bush for not giving the troops enough support or armor, he won’t allow the Generals to do what they need to do to win Afghan battles. To mask his weakness, he needs more flag draped caskets.

The last thing that obozo wants for Trashcanistan is democracy. He wants them to be free far less than he wants America’s Freedom. He would prefer the Afghans enslaved by a Mooselip communist dictatorship, since it’s not as oppressive as Freedom. His opinion of Freedom and Democracy throughout the ME was on display when he had zero compassion for the uprising in Iran. That bloody uprising stood in the way of him being the great savior for peace in the region. Now, he is once again being proven the intellectual fool in Iran, like Carter.

The other goal of these SDS taught commies is they need to humiliate the military. They see the military as something standing between them and their dictatorship. They fear a strong military will protect the American people from the oppression he needs to install. He and the DNC want our Troops desperately clinging to Helo Skids leaving Kabul in complete humiliation. He could care less about the massive killing fields left behind of Afghans who helped the coalition, which is the means of destroying America. This bloodbath will make the SE Asian fields look civil.

Our troops were in a great position to win this war when Premier Hussain was elected. He doesn’t have the backbone GW had to make a tough decision. So he decides to wait while more soldiers are killed as sitting ducks for this Nero. It took President Bush 24 hrs to decide what to do when the entire Country wanted him to do the opposite, then ordered the surge. Even though it cost him dearly, he cared more about that kid sitting in a Hummer then he did about the man sitting in the Oval Office. He had no idea if it would work but put his trust in the guy at the end of the spear and the soldier’s fortitude as well as his, won the war. That is what real Leaders do, this is what Spaghetti Spined Pretenders do, and is getting our Boys killed. He has made his decision yet doesn’t have the Courage or Character to tell America or the Troops what it is. Thanks to the OIC, he now has a small taste of how those brave soldiers will be feeling on their flights home.

Pray for America and Our Troops
