Brayin Candy


 "It is because of the hope of Israel that I am bound with this chain." Acts 28:20

Being a confirmed Racist gives me an honest opinion of race in America. So Racist I believe White people have done fantastic job creating America, still I’m not as racist as the Black Messiah. He takes racial superiority to a new and dangerous level. He hates White people and wants to destroy us for his believed wrongs Whites have caused Blacks. He is in the same camp as Jesse Jackmail and Al Stepnfetchon. These two have done more to damage the Black race than the KKK could ever dream. By enslaving them to poor schools and broken families, there is nearly no hope of ever advancing in their lifetimes and if Oblack has his way, never will.

The breakdown of the Black family began from lifelong racist LBJ who voted time and time again against Civil Rights until he figured how it could destroy the Black Family. The institution of Welfare and Food Stamps required the Father be thrown out of the family so the gummit could replace him. His elimination from the family ended the disciplinarian and sent young Blacks to the streets and out of schools. Add to this destruction of the Black family was the Femihag movement which said men are a handicap to families so you had the absolute destruction of the Black family/culture leading to hopelessness and institutional poverty.

Counter to The Oprah’s Groupthink, a real man is a critical factor in a family. Unlike a woman a man is hard and unemotional. A woman is soft and nurturing, both sexes are absolutely necessary for a healthy child. The father explains to the child where the boundaries of his world are. He tells the kid the difference between right and wrong and how far he can go before he is outside of his parameter. When he steps outside his boundaries then Father is the enforcer of the punishment or a whippin. Unlike mom who melts when she hears the crying of her baby, a man is unaffected and will still punish the child to teach him the difference tween right and wrong. This is critical to the child becoming an adult.

Once the lines are drawn and the box is formed like a planter, then the mother can nurture their child and he can grow healthy. If he knows where his lines are he doesn’t have to find them on his own and can grow strong and healthy. When you have two separate parents performing their duties the children can live securely inside the home, growing into healthy young adults. Welfare kicked men out of the homes and eliminated the enforcer of the boundaries forcing moms to do the job they were never meant to perform and for most not capable either physically or emotionally to withstand the crying or strength required for punishing. The first place this lack of discipline is going to be seen is in their schoolwork and education. The 70% dropout rates are the result.

The destruction of the Black family has destined Blacks to a lifetime of poverty. They have been sold out by Jesse, Al and now Obama to a future harder than it needs to be. They have enslaved them to a future w/o a father as the norm and an inner city school system is now a political football rather than an educational tool. Obama has signed a bill that eliminated the chance of Black kids in DC from receiving funding to go to the private schools they dreamed of going. This will continue to enslave them to failing schools and continued poverty. Bama will blame Whitey for their poverty yet he is supporting the institutions that guarantee their continued hopelessness. Jesse and Al have become multi-millionaires on the backs of Black poverty which is why they support these failed programs. They need Black poverty to fatten their Bank Accts.

Margaret Sanger the mother of abortion was a believer in Eugenics and Hitler’s belief in a superior White race. She wrote to him and they talked about how to eliminate the "weeds" of society. One of the weeds they talked about was Blacks. Sanger’s group had decided the only way to make this happen was to have Blacks want to get their own abortions. They could not figure how to have them do it voluntarily since they couldn’t force them like Jews to the ovens. They decided since at the time the Black culture was so strong through family and church, they would need to have their church leaders convince them abortions were better than raising children in poverty.

They targeted Martin Luther King to be the spokesman for abortion which is how the clinics became part of the Black neighborhoods. Now Jesse and Al/Barak are the spokesmen for abortion of their own people w/most clinics now in Black & Mexican neighborhoods. This further destroyed the Black family by having girls having free sex/abortions with no marriage or men in the family. These girls’ lives are destroyed by the guilt, depression, drug abuse and low self worth of knowing she turned her womb into a tomb further destroying the Black Family.

The final destroyer of the Black culture was the elimination of education. During slavery educating Blacks was outlawed for fear of them running away once they could read/write. When you come out of HS w/o the ability to Read, Write or Think you have locked on the chains of low wages. The buying off of Black leadership has doomed their Race to last place. The complete robotic following of the NEA and liberalism has doomed Blacks to a life of low standards/wages. President Bush was able to install standards which had improved test scores; Barak has eliminated those along w/vouchers for private schools. So their leaders including King Hussain has enslaved them to poor schools w/no options, to fasten their chains to the gummit and their votes.

There is racism in America, although most of it is on the Black on White racism. After years of hating Whites they have blamed their poverty on us. Any Blacks who doesn’t hate Whitey will be labeled Clarence Thomas or Condi Rice as so called sellouts to their race when the real sellouts are Jesse, Al and Barak Halfwhite Oblack. Rather than using people like Thomas and Rice as examples of the opportunities available in America, they vilify their most successful to hobble their people. These Dems have outlawed Education again for Blacks to keep them from running away. Margaret Sanger should be very satisfied.

Pray for America, Our Troops and Women Hurt by Abortion